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- Cantherm has been serving clients in the USA , Canada, and the Asian Markets since 1978, supplying high-quality bimetal and thermal sensor products to leading companies for the following applications: Transformer Coils, Motor Protectors, Small Appliances, Heaters - Fan or Radiant, Humidifiers, Automotive, Ballasts, Power Supplies.
hình ảnh Số Phần Sự miêu tả Lượt xem
MF72-006D20 Image MF72-006D20 ICL 6 OHM 20% 6A 22.5MM Tin nhắn của bạn
L50NG913-240-600MM Image L50NG913-240-600MM TCO 250VAC 15A 240C(464F) CYLNDR Tin nhắn của bạn
MF72-047D15 Image MF72-047D15 ICL 47 OHM 20% 3A 17.5MM Tin nhắn của bạn
hồ sơ 153
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